Monday, January 25, 2010
Soul Ties
Saturday, January 23, 2010
He’s busted!

Your man may give you his biodata and a copy of his transcript but there’s lot of things he wraps and hid from you. Maybe because he’s ashamed of it, he doesn’t wants you to get upset or simply because he’s afraid to get busted. But hey ladies, do you really like someone who fly’s like a gentleman but behind your back he’s out there having fun? He may come out clean, making you his princess but behind those sweet words are bitter lies.
So what are the things we don’t know about liars? Some say their legs tell a lot. If a guy wraps his leg behind a chair, it’s an indication he’s hiding something from you. It could be the TRUTH! Better yet, ask a question from them, like “where have you been last night?” or be straight-forwarded “where you with those chic last night?”, if they give you a long pause or they become very defensive about the topic; Uh-oh! Be vigilant because that’s a big trouble.
Gestures also say something. If both of you are discussing something and he put his hands, or his thumb in particular, inside his pocket; he’s nervous and it’s up to you to figure out why. He may hide his palms while talking to you or he fidgets with an object (for example a cellphone), well that could be a sign that he’s not telling something from you. Does your guy shrug his shoulders most of the time? He says “I’m with my buddies, all guys!” - While shrugging one or both shoulders, watch out. This is one way of canceling out the truth. He maybe uncommitted with his words, so be very keen. This is his subconscious way of avoiding guilt and committing lie. He could be busted through these unconscious moves.

Liars have big buts so watch out these phrases – “I know this is weird but……..” or “You’re not going to believe what my buddy did……” odds are, whatever comes next is not true. Tongues don’t lie, so if he utters something out of the blue, may it be a name, a phrase or an experience - that’s what you call slip of the tongue. And if you see your guy having a shocked face after uttering those words, you could catch him right there. When asking a question, if he briefly licks his lips or flicks out his tongue before answering, he thinks he's about to get away with something.

A liar unconsciously covers his mouth once in a while during a talk. Some guy unconsciously brings his hand to his face – rub a nose or stroke a chin. This is his way of protecting the self from the words coming out from his mouth. Sometimes liar will try hard to prove his telling the truth by staring through your eyes for a long time in an uncomfortable way.
Worst, you could gather real evidences to prove his lying. If you find these with your guy, it’s time for him to be busted!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Is safe sex , safe?

Saturday, January 9, 2010
New Year’s resolution: Pump up my love life

Everyone would like to love and be loved. Spending another year with your partner being happy would make you feel good and healthy. So in this year of the tiger, I would like to give you 5 tips on how to pump up your love life.
1. No to over analyzing.
This means stop thinking that your guy is with another girl because he has not been replying to your texts in three minutes. Remember! Some guys don’t always check on their phones.
2. Expectations should be realistic.
No one is perfect; so stop demanding for perfection. When your partner upsets you because he hasn’t called you every 5 minutes, like duh! He’s a person not a robot. If you want your relationship to be healthier, stop trying to change your mate instead accept them as they are.
3. Communication: An essential tool to every relationship.
Not only letting your mouth works, but most especially letting your ears and heart work. Real talking/communicating entails genuinely listening with your ears and heart. It also involves being taking time to be physically present in order to observe the nonverbal cues. Asking questions and clarifying things is also important to understand each other. And lastly, share information, views and opinions in a non-threatening manner. Surely, the next thing you know, you’re on the bed putting your words into actions.
4. Have a fair fight.
Since we are all different, there could be misunderstandings in some point of our relationship. Some conflict is healthy to spice up your love life and when you’re in that situation, have a fair fight. Take time to hear each others side. Don’t assume, criticize and hold grudges; this could not only destroy your partner but also destroy your outlook in life. Have a win-win situation through negotiating. However, if you think your mate deserves to be dump because he/she is acting stupid (like being insensitive and arrogant at what you’re saying) then go! Bitch him/her out. You don’t deserve this kind of person.
5. The special ingredient: Love yourself.
Spend time to read your favorite book, watch your favorite show and have a drink or coffee with your buddies. If you love yourself, you could also spread your love others.
Make this your guide to your relationship, because there’s no other way to spend another year with your partner than to pump up your love life.